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We Are Following The Burning One.

All Classes and Intensives Are Held At Trinity Church,
3501 Airport Rd, Temple, TX 76504

Weekend Intensive Is February 8, 2025

Online Courses

Learn online and at your own pace. Each lesson is easy to follow.

In Person and On Campus

Join us on campus for life changing and intense training, discipleship and prayer.

Weekend Intensive

Get immersed one weekend out of the month for 8 hours In a Discipleship Deep Dive.
Our Mission

Bringing The Kingdom of God To Your Sphere of Influence

Our mission is to equip the next generation of Church, Business and Governmental Leaders to engage cultural dynamics through

  • Strategic Intercession
  • Whole-Hearted Discipleship
  • Spiritual Warfare

to accomplish the Lord’s will in today’s society.

Now Is Your Time To Go Deep In The Lord

Trailblazer training is intense discipleship and unique biblical training that helps you become grounded in the Word of God but more importantly, deeper in love with Jesus.

Our Commitment To You

We Walk With You For The Rest of Your Life

Develop strong relationships with your instructors and fellow classmates.
Participate in spiritual labratories designed to give you practical experience.
For the rest of your life, you are connected with people who have a heart for you.
our team

They'll guide you from day one.

Who you sit under matters.  Who speaks into your life matters.  Here at Trailblazer Training, you be connected with some of the top biblical teachers and mentors in the body of Christ.  These are proven leaders who are committed to excellence in every area of their lives.  Their mission is to bring that level of character and excellence to you.

Mike Massa
Michael Massa
Nancy Massa
jonathan maslow
Jonathan Maslow
Allen Christiani
Allen Christiani
jackie maslow
Jackie Maslow
Learn and Be Imparted To by

our Guest Trainers

We have some of the best guest trainers who come and impart their years of wisdom, knowledge and practical application to you.

What To Expect

Semester Overview

Below is a list of our topics we will be covering in a semester if you choose the in person learning option.

Special Message

What Is Important To Us

Listen to Director, Mike Massa, explain what is important at Trailblazer Training.  Our heart is for you to become the man or woman of God you have been designed to be.

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